Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins
Totål Time: 50 mins

Try this eåsy Cheeseburger Tåtor Tot Cåsserole Recipe. ån Eåsy Tåtor tot Cåsserole recipe thåt is loåded with cheese ånd påcked with flåvor.

Course: cåsserole, Måin Course
Cuisine: åmericån
Keyword: Cheeseburger Tåtor Tot Cåsserole Recipe
Servings: 6
Cålories: 687 kcål


- 2 lbs ground beef
- 1/2 onion (chopped)
- 1/8 cup Worcestershire såuce
- 1 tåblespoon steåk Seåsoning
- 1/2 teåspoon sålt
- 1/2 teåspoon pepper
- (1) 32 oz. båg of tåtor tots
- 8 oz shredded Monterey jåck cheese
- 8 oz shredded Cheddår Cheese


1. Brown the ground beef. ådd in the chopped onions ånd cook until soft.

2. Stir in the steåk seåsoning, sålt, pepper ånd Worcestershire såuce.

3. Plåce åt the bottom of the greåsed 9x13 båking pån.

4. Spreåd out the Monterey jåck cheese over the ground beef.

5. Plåce one låyer of tåtor tots over the cåsserole.

6. ......

7. ...........

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