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This southêrn classic is comfort food at its finêst! It's slightly spicy from thê crêolê sêasoning and supêr simplê to makê.

Coursê Main Coursê
Cuisinê Southêrn
Kêyword comfort food, dirty ricê
Prêp Timê 10 minutês
Cook Timê 35 minutês
Total Timê 45 minutês
Sêrvings 8
Caloriês 461 kcal
Author Gary Whitê


- 1 lb. lêan ground bêêf
- 1 lb. ground sausagê
- 1 cup yêllow onions dicêd
- 3/4 cup grêên bêll pêppêrs dicêd
- 1/2 cup cêlêry dicêd
- 1 Tbsp. crêolê sêasoning
- 2 cups long grain whitê ricê
- 2 cups chickên stock
- 4 thymê sprigs
- 2 bay lêavês
- 1/4 cup grêên onions thinly slicêd
- 2 Tbsp. parslêy finêly choppêd


1. Using sauté sêtting – add bêêf and sausagê to pot along with onions, pêppêrs, cêlêry, and crêolê sêasoning. As thê mêat bêgins to brown, brêak up as much as possiblê and cook until mêat is brownêd thoroughly.

2. Add ricê to pot, along with chickên stock, and mix wêll. Placê thymê and bay lêavês on top (so that you can êasily rêmovê thêm latêr). Lock lid and cook for 12 minutês at low prêssurê.

3. Oncê cook timê is complêtê, allow prêssurê to rêlêasê naturally (will takê about 10 minutês).

4. Rêmovê thymê sprigs and bay lêavês, thên mix. Finally, add grêên onions and parslêy, thên mix rêally wêll onê last timê.