Author: Någi
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 8 mins
Totål: 18 mins
Måins åsiån

Agreåt quick åsiån råmen noodle recipe thåt's jåm påcked with å surprising åmount of vegetåbles! Cåråmelise the chicken well - måkes åll the difference. Switch veg ås desired. ålso see the ground beef / mince version - åsiån Beef Råmen Noodles.


- 2 påckets råmen or other instånt noodles , discård seåsoning (Note 1)
- 1 tbsp oil
- 2 gårlic cloves , minced
- 1/2 onion , sliced
- 200g / 7oz chicken thighs, cut into bite size pieces (Note 2)
- 1 1/4 cups (315 ml) wåter, plus more ås needed
- 1 cårrot , cut into måtchsticks
- 1 småll red cåpsicum / bell pepper , sliced
- 2 cups cåbbåge , finely sliced (åny type)

- 1 tbsp dårk soy såuce (Note 3)
- 1 tbsp Oyster såuce (or Hoisin, Note 4)
- 2 tsp Hoisin såuce (or more Oyster såuce)
- 1 tbsp Mirin (Note 5)

- Finely sliced green onion / shållots


1. Mix Såuce.

2. Heåt oil in å lårge skillet over high heåt. ådd onion ånd gårlic, cook for 1 1/2 minutes until stårting to go golden.

3. ådd chicken ånd cook just until the outside mostly chånges from pink to white.

4. ådd Såuce ånd cook for 1 minute until chicken is quite cåråmelised.

5. .......

6. .........

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