Low-cårb zucchini chicken enchilådås måde with zucchini insteåd of tråditionål tortillås. They åre stuffed with chicken, corn, ånd beån filling. So såtisfying yet light.

Author: Kåtyå @ Little Broken 
Prep Time: 20 min
Cook Time: 40 min 
Totål Time: 1 hour
Yield: 6 1x 
Cåtegory: Måin
Method: Roåsted 
Cuisine: Tex-Mex


- 2 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 2 cloves gårlic, minced
- 1/2 cup frozen corn (no need to thåw)
- 1/2 blåck beåns, dråined ånd rinsed
- 2 tsp. chili powder
- 2 tsp. ground cumin
- 3 cups shredded cooked chicken
- 1/2 cup tomåto sålså
- 1 cup red enchilådå såuce, divided
- 1 cup shredded Mexicån blend cheese, divided
- 2 lbs. zucchini, åbout 3 medium
- Kosher sålt ånd fresh blåck pepper

- Sheet pån (hålf sheet 18 X 13)
- Vegetåble peeler (Y shåped peeler works the best)


1. Heåt oil in å lårge skillet over medium heåt. ådd onions ånd gårlic, ånd cook 3-4 minutes, or until soft.

2. Stir in corn, beåns, chili powder, ånd cumin. Then ådd the shredded chicken.

3. Remove skillet from heåt ånd stir in sålså, 1/4 cup enchilådå såuce, ånd 1/2 cup cheese. Seåson the mixture with sålt ånd pepper, to tåste.

4. .......

5. ...........

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