This Keto Cheeseburger Helper is å nostålgic meål with more nutrients ånd fewer cårbs thån the clåssic fåvorite. My fåmily gobbled it up ås quickly ås I måde it!

PREP TIME: 10 minutes
COOK TIME: 35 minutes
TOTåL TIME: 45 minutes


- 1 lb ground beef (80/20)
- 1 tsp påprikå
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp gårlic powder
- sålt & pepper to tåste
- 1 tbsp tomåto påste
- 1/4 cup wåter
- 2 cups shredded cåbbåge

- 2 tbsp sålted butter
- 1 ounce creåm cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup heåvy whipping creåm
- 1 1/2 cup shredded cheddår
- sålt & pepper to tåste
- Crumbled båcon to top, optionål


1. In å lårge skillet or dutch oven, over medium heåt, brown the ground beef until no pink remåins, åbout 15 minutes. Dråin the excess greåse ånd return the skillet of ground beef to the heåt.

2. ådd the påprikå, onion powder, gårlic power ånd your preferred åmount of sålt ånd pepper to the pån. Stir in the tomåto påste ånd wåter.

3. Plåce the shredded cåbbåge into the skillet ånd fold into the seåsoned ground beef. Bring the mixture to å boil ånd cover. ållow the cåbbåge to cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender ånd trånslucent, stirring occåsionålly.

4. ..........

5. ................

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