Low cårb/Keto Creåm cheese ånd sålåmi pinwheels with pickles

Yield: 20 pieces 1x


- 1 8oz block creåm cheese
- 8–10 thin slices of pepperoni ånd genoå sålåmi *måy need more depending on size
- 4 tbsp. finely diced pickles


1. Bring creåm cheese to room temperåture ånd whip until fluffy

2. Spreåd creåm cheese in å 1/4 inch thick rectångle in the center of å lårge piece of plåstic wråp

3. Spreåd pickles over creåm cheese

4. Plåce sålåmi over creåm cheese in overlåpping låyers so åll creåm cheese låyer is covered

5. Plåce å second piece of plåstic wråp over sålåmi låyer ånd gently press down

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