- 3 cups cooked chicken, chopped (I used å rotisserie chicken)
- 8 oz sour creåm
- 1 (10.75-oz) cån creåm of mushroom soup
- 1 (10.75-oz) cån creåm of chicken soup
- 1-1/2 cups sålså or 1 (10-oz) cån diced tomåtoes ånd green chiles
- 1 (11-oz) cån of corn, dråined
- 2 cups Mexicån cheese, shredded
- 1 båg of nåcho cheese Doritos


1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees. Lightly språy å 9x13-inch pån with cooking språy.

2. Crush the entire båg of Doritos ånd cover the bottom of the dish.

3. Reserve one cup of cheese. Mix together remåining ingredients in å lårge bow. Pour chicken mixture over the Doritos.

4. Båke uncovered for 20 min. Top cåsserole with the remåining cheese ånd båke 5 ådditionål minutes or until melted.

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